Comprehensive guide for email deliverability in 2024


Comprehensive Guide for Email Deliverability: Your Ultimate Success to Inbox

In 2024's fast-changing digital world, email is still key for talking to customers and promoting businesses. But getting an email from 'sent' to 'successfully delivered' can be tricky. That's where email deliverability comes in.

Email deliverability is all about making sure your emails don't just hit the recipient's email server, but also land right in their main inbox, not in the spam folder or somewhere else less noticeable. It's more detailed than just sending an email. At, we get how important this is. We offer tools like our strong Email API and SMTP Relay Service to make sure your emails really get through.

In this guide, we're diving into the complex world of email deliverability. We'll give you tips and steps to make your email campaigns work better. You'll find out why having a good plan for deliverability is essential for your emails and how using mailtarget’s complete set of tools, including the Email API, SMTP Relay Service, and Software Development Kit, can make this easier and more effective.

The Negative Effect of Poor Email Deliverability

When your emails end up in the spam folder, it's a big deal. Not only do you miss a chance to connect, but you also waste time and effort you put into making those emails. Plus, if lots of your emails don't make it to the right place, it can hurt your reputation as a sender. This means your future emails might struggle to get through as well.

As we go through this guide, we'll look at everything from basic ideas to more complex tactics in email deliverability. This guide is full of useful information, whether you're just starting with email marketing or you're an expert looking to get even better.

Decoding Email Deliverability Metrics

Knowing the numbers that show how well your emails are doing is really important. One key number to watch is how many people are opening your emails. This rate might not be perfect because of tech limits, but it gives you a good idea of your emails' success. You're doing well if more than 95% of your emails are getting delivered properly, but reaching 100% is really hard because of issues like spam complaints and problems with your email address’s reputation.

Keeping an eye on these numbers isn't just about counting; it's about figuring out if people like and are interested in your emails. If lots of people open your emails and don't mark them as spam, it means your emails are hitting the mark, which is great for your reputation. But if many emails bounce back or get marked as spam, it can harm your reputation and make it tougher for your emails to be seen in the future.

Checklist to increase email deliverability

Factors That Affect Email Deliverability

Many things can affect whether your emails get to where they're supposed to go. Understanding these can really help you make your email campaigns work better:

Sender Reputation: This is like a score for your email address. Email providers look at things like how often your emails are marked as spam and how many emails you send to figure out your reputation. A good reputation means your emails are more likely to end up in the right inbox.

IP and Domain Reputation: The history of your IP address and your website's domain is important too. If you share an IP address with spammers, or if your domain has a bad history, your emails might get flagged.

Spam Complaints and Traps: Getting a lot of spam complaints or falling into spam traps can really hurt your chances of delivering emails successfully. These are big warning signs for email providers.

Content Quality: What you write in your emails matters a lot. Make sure your content is interesting and valuable, and try not to use words that are often linked to spam.

List Hygiene: It's important to regularly clean up your email list by removing addresses that don't work or aren't active anymore.

Email Authentication Protocols: Using things like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC can make your emails more trustworthy and improve deliverability. These are tools that help prove your emails are really from you.

At mailtarget, we get how important these things are and our tools are built to help. Our Email API and SMTP Relay Service are made to handle these issues, giving your emails the best chance to get to the right inboxes.

Practical Steps to Test and Track Your Email Deliverability

Making sure your email campaigns work well means testing and keeping an eye on them. Here’s how to do it:

Use Test Emails: Before you start a campaign, send some test emails to different email providers to see where they end up.

Check Bounce Rates: Watch out for emails that don't get delivered (both temporary and permanent issues) to figure out what might be going wrong.

Look at Engagement Metrics: Pay attention to how many people are opening your emails and clicking on links inside them.

Spam Score Checks: Use tools like MX Toolbox or Mail-Tester to see if your emails might be seen as spam.

Feedback Loops and Email Logs: Sign up for alerts from email providers when your emails are marked as spam, and look at email delivery logs for any problems.

Best Practices to Improve Your Email Deliverability

Getting your emails to the right place involves several important steps:

Build a Good Sender Reputation: Focus on sending interesting, engaging emails. A good reputation helps your emails reach the inbox.

Use Double Opt-In: This makes sure the people on your email list really want to hear from you, which is good for your reputation.

Keep Your Email List Clean: Regularly remove email addresses that don’t work or aren’t active anymore.

Email Authentication: Use SPF, DKIM, and DMARC to show email providers that your emails are legitimate.

Personalize and Segment Your Emails: Send emails that are relevant to different groups of people on your list to keep them interested.

Regularly Monitor Your Emails: Use tools like MX Toolbox and Mail-Tester to check on how well your emails are doing.

mailtarget’s Email API, SMTP Relay Service, and Software Development Kit are designed to help you follow these best practices. They make it easier to manage your email campaigns, so you have a better chance of your emails being read and engaged with.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Email Campaigns

Making sure your email campaigns are effective means not just doing the right things, but also avoiding some common errors:

Don't Forget to Clean Your Email List: If you don't regularly remove inactive or wrong email addresses, your emails might not be delivered as well, and your reputation could suffer.

Make Your Emails Mobile-Friendly: A lot of people read emails on their phones, so it’s important to make sure your emails look good on mobile devices.

Send Personalized Emails: Sending the same email to everyone might not work well. Tailor your emails to different people to keep them interested.

Follow Email Laws: Not following laws like CAN-SPAM or GDPR can get your emails marked as spam and could cause legal problems.

Write Good Email Content: Stay away from words that are often linked to spam and try to write emails that are interesting and valuable to your readers.

Debunking Common Myths About Email Deliverability

Email marketing has lots of myths that can confuse even experts. Let's clear them up:

Myth 1: Sending More Emails Means More Success

Truth: It's better to send fewer, high-quality emails. Sending too many can annoy people and lead to them unsubscribing or marking your emails as spam.

Myth 2: If Lots of Emails Are Delivered, They're Getting to Inboxes

Truth: Just because emails reach a server doesn't mean they're in the inbox. Good deliverability depends on things like how trustworthy your email seems and whether the content is interesting.

Myth 3: Spam Filters Only Stop Bad Emails

Truth: Spam filters look at many things, including how much people like your emails and technical details. Even good emails can get blocked.

Myth 4: Losing Subscribers Is Bad

Truth: It's okay if people unsubscribe. Making it easy to unsubscribe can actually help your email list stay healthy.

Myth 5: You Don't Need to Clean Your Email List

Truth: It's important to regularly remove email addresses that don't work or aren't used.

Myth 6: More Images Make Emails Better

Truth: Too many images can cause problems. It's best to use a good mix of text and pictures.

Myth 7: Making Emails Personal Doesn't Help

Truth: Personalizing emails can make people more likely to read them, helping your emails get seen.

Myth 8: Buying Email Lists Is a Good Shortcut

Truth: Email lists you buy might not work well. It's better to build your own list of people who are really interested.

Myth 9: All Email Services Are the Same

Truth: Your choice of email service can make a big difference. Some, like mailtarget, are better at making sure your emails are delivered.

Myth 10: Email Deliverability Stays the Same

Truth: Email deliverability changes over time because of new technology and how people behave. Keeping up with these changes is important.

How mailtarget Supports Best Practices

mailtarget's home page

mailtarget helps you avoid common email mistakes. Our tools make sure your emails are not just well-made, but also follow global email rules. This improves how often your emails are successfully delivered and how people interact with them.

Easy-to-Use Email API: mailtarget’s Email API fits easily into your current systems, making your email campaigns more efficient and effective. Setting it up is simple, helping you start sending emails quickly.

Reliable SMTP Relay Service: This service helps your emails go straight to inboxes, avoiding spam folders and blocks, which is key for consistent delivery or delivery rates.

Efficient Software Development Kit (SDK): mailtarget's SDK speeds up the email setup process, giving you more time to focus on creating great email content.

Detailed Analytics: Understanding your email performance is crucial. mailtarget provides deep insights into how your emails are doing, which is great for improving your campaigns.

Deliverability & Email Logs Alerts: Stay updated on every email you send. mailtarget tells you about delivery status, so you can fix any issues fast.

Following legal rules in email marketing is important for keeping a good reputation and ensuring emails are delivered properly:

CAN-SPAM Act: This law sets the rules for commercial emails in the U.S., like giving people the right to unsubscribe and setting penalties for breaking the rules.

GDPR: This European law requires you to get clear permission before sending emails and lets people ask for their data to be deleted.

Double Opt-In for Compliance: Using double opt-in helps you follow these laws and makes sure your list has people who really want your emails.

Being Clear and Honest: Telling people clearly who you are and why you're emailing them builds trust and avoids legal issues.

Avoiding Spam Traps: Regularly cleaning your list can prevent problems with spam traps and protect your reputation.

mailtarget ensures its tools meet these legal requirements, like easy unsubscribe options and supporting the double opt-in process, keeping your email campaigns safe from legal issues and deliverability problems.

FAQs on Email Deliverability: Clear Answers to Your Questions

What's the difference between email delivery and deliverability?

Answer: Email delivery means your email reaches the recipient's mail server. Deliverability means it lands in the inbox, not the spam folder.

How often should I clean my email list?

Answer: It's important to clean your list regularly, at least every three months, to remove addresses that don't work or aren't used.

Can changing my email content improve deliverability?

Answer: Yes, better email content and subject lines can really help your emails get seen.

Is buying email lists for quick outreach a good idea?

Answer: It's usually not a good idea because it can lead to low interest and high spam rates. Making your own list of interested people works better.

How does mailtarget improve email deliverability?

Answer: mailtarget offers tools like Email API, SMTP Relay Service, and analytics, all designed to help your emails get delivered properly and easily.

Does sending a lot of emails affect deliverability?

Answer: Yes, sending too many emails quickly can cause spam filters to block them. It's better to send emails at a balanced pace.

Why is mobile optimization important for email deliverability?

Answer: With many people reading emails on their phones, making sure your emails look good on mobile can improve how people interact with them.

Answer: Following laws like PDPA, CAN-SPAM, and GDPR is important. This includes getting permission to send emails, making it easy to unsubscribe, and being clear about who you are and why you're emailing.

Mastering Email Deliverability in 2024

To really succeed in email deliverability in 2024, you need to use smart strategies, be aware of mistakes to avoid, and use advanced tools like those from By focusing on your reputation, keeping your email list clean, writing good emails, and using mailtarget's tools, your emails can not only reach people but also get them interested.In a world where emails are so important, using the right tools and tactics is key. We invite you to check out mailtarget's products, sign up, and try our sandbox environment to see how it can make a difference in your email campaigns. If you have questions or need help with email deliverability, our team is here to assist.
